My name is Calvin Collison, and I am a digital and physical designer with specialties in UX, animation, typography, photography, woodworking, and silversmithing. I am a graduate of the ATLAS Institute in the CU Boulder College of Engineering, a program that allowed me to practice my many interests. 
Ever since I can remember, I have had a passion for learning new skills, and my time at CU allowed that passion to flourish, transforming it from a rather aimless wandering between media to an intentional path of self expression and exploration.
What unites all of my creative endeavors is a fervent insistence of thoughtfulness. What I have found during my time as a student, a teaching assistant, and a designer is that thought is, above all else, what separates good design from bad design, and, for that reason, I will always think through each element of a project, no matter the medium.
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